印尼水產品主要出口美國市場印尼海洋事務及漁業部(MMAF)公布,美國去年包辦印尼總出口水產品30.4%,產值達10.7億美元,躍升印尼水產品主要出住商房屋口市場;繼為拿下22.9%的日本(80,600萬美元)及13.1%的歐洲(45,980萬美元)。MMAF指出,印尼去年水產品出口值較2010年成長22.95%,達35億美元;關鍵字行銷2012年水產品出口目標訂為42億美元。印尼水產品品質在印尼政府及出口業的共同嚴密把關下深獲買方市場肯定,出口表現不俗。(摘譯自INFOFISH ARMANITrade News, No. 15/2012,15 Aug. 2012)US MAIN DESTINATION OF FISHERY EXPORTS The US is the main export destination of Indonesia’s 西裝fishery products, buying US$1.07 billion or 30.4% of the country’s overall fishery exports last year, the Marine Affairs and 辦公室出租Fisheries Ministry said. Japan came in second with US$806 million (22.9%) and Europe in third with US$459.8 million (13.1%). Data 景觀設計from the ministry revealed that Indonesia exported US$3.5 billion worth of fishery products last year, up 22.95% over 2010. The 帛琉ministry has set the target of fishery exports for 2012 at US$4.2 billion. The strong growth in fishery exports was attributed to 住商房屋the close cooperation between the government and exporters to improve quality assurance system and provide consistent good quality 整合負債products to foreign buyers.

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